Powerful Ways to Foster Kindness to Children
Every parent wants to raise their children to be better people and successful. You would want to prepare your child to live a fulfilled, happy, and productive life. There’s so much parenting advice out there. However, the greatest advice you need to take as a parent is to teach your children kindness as early as you can. Assuming that kids naturally develop kindness and other qualities is a wrong mindset. You have to consider the surrounding factors. The world as we know it has become cruel, and it reflects humanity. Activities practiced today lack morals and values, from judging others to saying mean comments. The ease and speed of people passing judgments and criticisms onto others have become unprecedented. And children, being at the forefront of technology and social networking, are learning from what they see. With that said, life’s reality hits you.
Thus, teaching kindness is the best thing you can foster to mold a great child to make the world a better place. Kindness is its reward, but it has other benefits. Kindness is the fundamental expression of what it means to be a human being. Below are ways you can foster kindness to children.
Speak Kind Words and Smile
Words are the most powerful tool available to humanity. The words you spoke can be used constructively or destructively. Words can help, heal, hurt, or harm those who hear them. Children have no knowledge that words have this power. The words they utter are out of curiosity, but this curiosity can come off as blunt and insensitive. Avoid scolding your kid for this. They are still in the learning stage; therefore, make them understand that words can affect people. Teach your children that they should speak things that will make someone feel good rather than sad. It can be hard to make them understand the impact of words. Let them read Caroleann Rice’s The Ladybug and The Bully Frog. This tells a tale of a frog who bullied other creatures, but in the end, has an awakening and changed for the better. Books share a profound nugget of wisdom, and reading them will benefit your child’s brain and soul.
Moreover, speaking kind words and smiling is the best combination. Smiling is a passive act of kindness that makes people likable. Smiling is contagious so remember to smile in front of your child. Speaking kind words and plastering a smile is a step closer to making them kind people.
Model Kindness
Children are clueless about the world and how they should act. They learn things from observing the people around them, and the people who are always around them are always the parents. You are your child’s primary role model, and you must become a positive role model of kindness. Be kind the way you act and speak. There is a famous saying, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” If you are telling them to be kind, then you should act like it as well. Show them acts of kindness such as thanking waiters, giving the needy, and speaking only the right words about others. When you model kindness, you set up your child to become a good citizen. Also, you formed a solid foundation for encompassing virtues in character. Look for opportunities to set as a model, and your child will follow your example.
Show the Joys of Helping
Kindness is fostered through acts of service to others. Show them the joys of helping someone else. Let them know that it feels good to help others unconditionally. Helping does not have to be financial aid. It can be through small and big acts of compassion, such as opening the door for another person. This act should not be forced; it is something that comes from the heart. Not only are you teaching your child to become kind but also to be happy. Small acts of kindness can go a long way. Happiness for a lifetime is found in helping others. Set opportunities to help others, whether they be family or friends, to set an example to the child.
Let Them Look on the Bright Side
Understand that kindness is not always easy. Most of the time, it is frustrating. Therefore, you should respond positively. Make your child understand that it is nice to be kind, even if another person does not appreciate their act. Let them see the bright side of it all. Kindness is more than behavior. It is a quality of being. The act of kindness is simple, free, positive, and healthy. Remind them of the core intention of kindness. Make children cultivate kind thoughts, actions, and words towards themselves and others instead of frustrations.